Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Augusts Over Here's to a better September

Well August has been the most emotional month i've had for a while. With the sad loss of my Nan along with poor sales made for a very bad month for me. As well as a not very profitable craft fair at the end of the month it's now time to dust myself down and start all over in September.

I was unable to take part in the list an item a day challenge in August on Folksy.com due to all the things happening in my personal life, but I intend to take part in the September Challenge. Think its been decided that we are calling ourselves 'September Stars' so be sure to pop over to Folksy.com and check out all the wonderful talented crafts people and their wonderful wares.

As well as this i will be making sure i am organised for the craft fair that i shall be attending on the 25th September at the Masonic Hall, Linlithgow. May only be September but have already started planning and making christmas cards.

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